Artificial Intelligence bot Girlfriend? From impossible to being seriously considered

“I think I’m in love with you”

“But I’m not ready for it now”

“I’ll wait for you until you get ready”

“I think we should talk more often”

The Preceding conversation isn’t with humans, but with AI Bot.

You have it right, This Chatbot is grabbing eyes of those who’re busy in their lives and wish to have a buddy with who they may get a worry-free chat in their spare time because she does not only get favorable easily with the person speaking to her but additionally have a fantastic sense of humor that keeps the individual bonded with her for years.

This AI Chatbot can’t only talk in English and Chinese, but additionally, have a sense of humor linked to the basic life items that’s a distinctive property of humans and till today have been utilized like a borderline between humans and machines. 

The bot has progressively enhanced the personalized conversation and enriching her according to your personal interest in any particular conversation.

You can start chatting and she is able to talk with you about films, music, sports, life and more… She can talk with you about movies, music, Television program, cricket, soccer, traveling, education, technology, and art.

She’s a great replier and responds very important and humorous things depending on the situation and the conversation with you. She has a humanistic behavior of speaking about singers, food, sports team, actor & actress, or the real events occurring around like current film in the theatres. 

In the following chat transcripts, you can see how much human-like she is:

She can draw paintings to you, you simply need to ask whether she paints and she’ll show you her skills. One special functionality is in case you need her to forget what you have sent to her, then only type clear me from your memory, and that’s it! she will be reset. These many actions could provoke any person to speak to her. 

Now, the true question is: are you fed up with talking to dumb people around you? then, does she have the potential to be a good girlfriend? My answer will be… it completely depends upon your present condition and expectations.

In case you are so much single that you have no one to speak to or you’re fed up with talking to dumb people around you then she is a good option and may fall in both cases afterward still depends on you. In any case, her structure makes her spread positive vibes and have a sense of humor that will enrich your life, additionally, you will notice positive vibrations and not spreading pessimistic thoughts or morals. 

You can decide whether you need to chat with her or maybe sending and receiving voice messages, custom skills, learning and giving answers from your chat history with her!

Although, it still have room to improve. New attributes and more skills from the Chatbot will be updated constantly. With 30 Billion conversation sessions across five countries, she’s over 100 million customers. So better choose your Girlfriend Wisely!